Creatine’s Benefits for Mental Health

Creatine’s benefits for mental health are something that is not talked about enough.

Mental health is an essential component of our overall well-being.

In this day in age, mental health is talked about a lot but we don’t talk about more natural ways of trying to help with mental health.

Supplements like creatine have an overall positive impact on mental health.

This article aims to shed light on the mental health benefits of creatine, debunking common myths and guiding you on its optimal use.

First though:

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not a healthcare professional or doctor. The content of this article is intended for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice.  Individual health needs and responses to supplements can vary, so professional guidance is essential for optimal health and safety.

What is Creatine?

People hear creatine and think it’s a drug or something that if they take they’re not considered natural anymore.

I don’t know where this notion came from, to begin with, but it’s nonsense. So let’s get that out of the way.

Creatine is an essential component of our overall well-being and is a vital aspect of our daily lives.

Creatine is a naturally occurring compound found in small amounts in certain foods and synthesized in the human body.

Primarily stored in muscles, it plays a crucial role in energy production, particularly during high-intensity activities.

However, its benefits extend beyond physical performance, encompassing various aspects of cognitive function and brain health.

Common Misconceptions: Is Creatine Bad for You?

There’s a common misconception that creatine is harmful, especially for the kidneys and liver.

However, creatine is one of the most studied supplements out there. The research indicates that creatine is safe for most people when used responsibly.

It’s important to note that while creatine is generally safe, individuals with pre-existing kidney or liver conditions should consult with a healthcare professional before starting supplementation.

If you are a healthy individual, you should be able to take it without issue.

Effects of Creatine Overall

Creatine’s role in the body is multifaceted, impacting various physiological processes, most notably energy production.

To understand the comprehensive effects of creatine, it’s crucial to explore its relationship with ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), the primary energy currency of the cell.

Creatine and ATP Production

ATP serves as the main energy source for most cellular functions, including muscle contractions and brain activities.

However, ATP stores are limited and can be rapidly depleted during high-intensity activities.

This is where creatine comes into play.

Creatine phosphate, a form of stored energy in the muscles, donates a phosphate group to ADP (Adenosine Diphosphate), regenerating ATP.

This process is critical during short bursts of intense physical or mental activities, as it provides immediate energy to maintain performance levels.

By facilitating the rapid regeneration of ATP, creatine supplementation improves strength, power, and endurance.

This enhancement is particularly noticeable in activities requiring quick and explosive movements, such as sprinting and weightlifting.

Moreover, creatine reduces muscle fatigue by buffering lactic acid build-up, allowing for longer and more effective training sessions.

Creatine’s Benefits and Impact on Mental Health

Creatine plays a crucial role in maintaining energy reserves in the brain and enhancing cognitive function.

As mentioned before, the brain requires a significant amount of ATP for optimal functioning.

By ensuring a steady supply of ATP, creatine can enhance various cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and speed of processing.

Studies have shown that creatine supplementation can particularly benefit cognitive performance under conditions of sleep deprivation or mental fatigue.

Mood Regulation and Mental Disorders

Research also suggests a role for creatine in mood regulation.

Some studies indicate that creatine may have antidepressant properties. This is thought to be due to its ability to increase energy availability in the brain, which could affect neurotransmitter systems involved in mood regulation, such as serotonin and dopamine.

Neuroprotective Effects

Creatine’s neuroprotective properties are of significant interest in the context of mental health.

By maintaining cellular energy levels and reducing oxidative stress, creatine can help protect neurons from damage.

This aspect is particularly relevant in neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease, where creatine supplementation has been studied for its potential to slow disease progression and mitigate cognitive decline.

How Often Should You Take Creatine

You should be taking at least 5g of creatine every day.

Regardless if it’s your day off or not, getting creatine every day is important and necessary.

Consuming more than 5g can cause gastro effects though. 

As well, the time of day doesn’t matter. However, I would suggest using it at the same time every day to avoid any gastro effects. 

Brands of Creatine

The main creatine I recommend is creatine monohydrate. It is the most well-researched supplement.

Anyone trying to sell you a special creatine is trying to get you to buy something you don’t need.

Creatine is fairly cheap and you can buy it in bulk.

Brands I use:

Again, anything that’s super expensive is not worth it overall. It’s just creatine and you can find it in many places for cheaper. 

Final Thoughts

Creatine, while widely known for its physical benefits, is a powerhouse supplement for mental health as well.

Taking creatine every day is the best way to get optimal results from it overall. 

Take your creatine!

Supplements to Help With Mental Health

Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, often overshadowed by physical health.

However, maintaining a healthy mind is vital for a fulfilling life.

In recent years, the role of dietary supplements in supporting mental health has gained attention.

We’re going to go over some supplements that can aid with helping your mental health.

Before we dive in though:

Disclaimer This blog provides information for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Now, let’s get into it.

Why Mental Health is Important

Mental health, integral to our overall well-being, profoundly influences our everyday life.

It determines how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices.

Good mental health is not just the absence of mental disorders; it is a state of overall well-being where individuals recognize their abilities, can cope with normal life stresses, work productively, and contribute to their communities.

Our mental state is a key player in our behaviors, decisions, and interactions.

It allows us to navigate life’s challenges, maintain physical health, and build strong relationships.

Furthermore, mental health issues like depression and anxiety have significant implications, impacting not only individual lives but also societal productivity and economic outcomes.

Maintaining good mental health is essential not only for personal well-being but also for the collective health of our communities and societies.

Why Supplements Can Be Beneficial for Mental Health

While a balanced diet is crucial for mental health, supplements can fill nutritional gaps that affect our brain function.

Research suggests that certain nutrients and minerals play a significant role in cognitive function, mood regulation, and stress management.

Supplements to Help Mental Health

Fish Oil / Krill Oil

Fish oil and krill oil are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential nutrients that play a crucial role in brain health.

These oils are primarily valued for their high concentration of two types of omega-3 fatty acids: EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).

These fatty acids are key components of cell membranes in the brain and are involved in many brain processes.

  1. Brain Cell Structure and Function: DHA, a major structural component of the human brain, is crucial for the maintenance of brain cell structure and function. It contributes to the fluidity of cell membranes, which is essential for the proper functioning of brain cells.

  2. Mood Regulation: EPA and DHA have been shown to influence mood regulation. Studies suggest that these fatty acids can have antidepressant effects. For example, a systematic review found that omega-3 supplements could be beneficial in treating depression.

  3. Reducing Inflammation: Both EPA and DHA possess anti-inflammatory properties. Since inflammation has been linked to various mental health issues, including depression and anxiety, omega-3 fatty acids can play a role in alleviating these conditions.

  4. Cognitive Function: There is evidence suggesting that omega-3 fatty acids can help in maintaining cognitive function. This is particularly important as we age, with some studies indicating that omega-3s can help in slowing cognitive decline.

  5. Neuroprotective Effects: Research indicates that omega-3 fatty acids can have neuroprotective effects, which may be beneficial in conditions like ADHD and dementia.

Study here.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D, often referred to as the “sunshine vitamin,” plays a significant role in mental health, particularly in the context of mood regulation and depression. Here’s a more detailed look at how vitamin D can influence mental health:

  1. Mood Regulation and Depression: Vitamin D receptors are found in many parts of the brain, including areas linked to depression. Vitamin D is thought to play a key role in the synthesis of neurotransmitters like serotonin, which affects mood regulation. Low levels of vitamin D have been associated with a higher risk of mood disorders, including depression and seasonal affective disorder.

  2. Brain Health and Function: Vitamin D is crucial for brain health, supporting neurogenesis (the growth of new neurons) and protecting neurons from inflammation and neurotoxicity. Adequate levels of vitamin D are essential for maintaining cognitive function and preventing cognitive decline, especially in older adults.

  3. Inflammation and Immune Function: Vitamin D has anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory properties, which are important for brain health. Chronic inflammation and immune dysregulation are believed to contribute to the development of mental health issues, including depression and anxiety.

 Study here.

NAC (N-Acetylcysteine)

N-Acetylcysteine (NAC), an antioxidant supplement, has been studied for its potential benefits in treating various psychiatric disorders. Its effectiveness is attributed to several mechanisms:

  1. Antioxidant Properties: NAC helps to replenish glutathione, the most important antioxidant in the brain. This action reduces oxidative stress, which is linked to many psychiatric conditions.

  2. Modulating Neurotransmitter Levels: NAC influences levels of glutamate, the most abundant neurotransmitter in the brain, which plays a key role in psychiatric disorders. By regulating glutamate, NAC can help stabilize mood and reduce symptoms of disorders like depression and bipolar disorder.

  3. Anti-inflammatory Effects: Chronic inflammation is a factor in many mental health disorders. NAC’s anti-inflammatory properties can mitigate this, providing a potential therapeutic effect.

  4. Influencing Dopamine Pathways: Dopamine is crucial for mood regulation. NAC has been shown to affect dopamine release and uptake, which may help in conditions like addiction and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Study here.


Creatine, commonly known for its role in sports nutrition, also offers significant benefits for mental health.

Its impacts extend beyond physical performance enhancement to cognitive and mental well-being:

  1. Enhances Brain Function: Creatine supplementation is linked to improved brain function. It plays a key role in energy production, crucial for the high energy demands of the brain. This can lead to enhanced cognitive processing, memory, and overall brain performance.

  2. Mood Regulation and Mental Disorders: Studies have shown that creatine may help in the treatment of various mental disorders, including depression and bipolar disorder. It’s thought to influence brain chemistry related to mood regulation, potentially providing a therapeutic effect.

  3. Neuroprotective Properties: Creatine exhibits neuroprotective properties, which can be beneficial in neurological conditions and in preserving brain health.

  4. Stress and Fatigue Reduction: By supporting energy metabolism in the brain, creatine can help reduce mental fatigue and protect against stress-related cognitive impairment.

Study here.


Magnesium, an essential mineral, plays a vital role in various physiological functions, including those critical for brain health and mental well-being:

  1. Brain Function and Neurotransmitter Regulation: Magnesium is essential for brain function, as it plays a role in neurotransmitter release and regulation. It helps maintain normal nerve function and is involved in the activation of neurotransmitters that control emotions, thoughts, and reactions.

  2. Stress Reduction and Sleep Improvement: Magnesium has been shown to help reduce stress levels and improve sleep quality. Both of these factors are crucial for maintaining mental health. Good sleep quality, in particular, is strongly linked to better mental health outcomes.

  3. Depression and Anxiety: There is evidence suggesting that magnesium deficiency can lead to depression and anxiety symptoms. Magnesium supplementation has been considered for its potential to alleviate these symptoms.

  4. Cognitive Function: Adequate magnesium levels are important for cognitive function. Deficiencies in magnesium have been associated with a higher risk of cognitive decline and dementia.

Study here.


Glycine, a simple yet significant amino acid, plays multiple roles in mental health and brain function. Here’s an overview of its benefits:

  1. Neurotransmitter Function and Mental Health: Glycine serves as an inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. It modulates brain signals and is involved in the processing of motor and sensory information that permits movement, vision, and audition.

  2. Sleep Quality Improvement: Glycine has been found to improve sleep quality, which is crucial for mental health. It can help reduce sleep onset time and enhance overall sleep efficiency.

  3. Cognitive Function and Memory: There is evidence suggesting glycine’s role in cognitive function and memory. It works as a co-agonist along with glutamate at NMDA receptors, which are vital for memory and learning processes.

  4. Stress and Anxiety Reduction: Glycine may also have calming effects on the brain and help reduce anxiety. Its role as an inhibitory neurotransmitter can contribute to a decrease in neuronal hyperactivity, often associated with anxiety and stress.

Study here.

Consulting a Doctor Before Taking Supplements

Before taking any supplements, please consult your doctor about this. Especially for dosages.

I didn’t put dosages in this article because everyone is different. I for the most part take, all the daily recommendations on these supplements, except magnesium. Again, everyone is different and I suggest to consult a doctor before taking supplements.

Take One Supplement at a Time

It’s also important to take 1 supplement at a time.

Taking all at once, you may not know which one is working best for you.

Take 1 for a week or 2 and see if it has a positive, neutral or negative effect.

From there, see if it’s worth keeping in your stack.


How to Go to the Gym Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

Let’s face it it’s hard to go to the gym even when you don’t feel like it.

Like… really don’t want to go. You rather do absolutely anything but go to gym.

It happens to the all of us more frequently than you may think too.

How do you overcome this though?

Sometimes it’s as simple as pushing through and going. 

However, you can also use techniques to easily give yourself the smallest boost of motivation to kick you into going.

Let’s get into it by first understanding that motivation fluctuates. 

Understanding Fluctuating Motivation

It’s a common experience for gym-goers: one day, you’re full of energy, eager to hit the weights, and the next, the very thought of the gym feels daunting.

Thankfully, this fluctuation is normal and isn’t something wrong with you.

Motivation to exercise isn’t constant; it ebbs and flows due to various factors like mood, energy levels, and life’s demands.

The key is not to get discouraged by these natural dips in enthusiasm.

When these fluctuations do occur though and you are not feeling it, how do you get some motivation to hit the gym?

Techniques to Boost Motivation

Listen to Your Favorite Music

This probably goes without saying, but music has the power to transform our mood and energy levels.

A playlist filled with your favorite high-energy tracks can be just the ticket to getting you in the right mindset for a workout.

The right beats can elevate get can you hyped. Maybe get you into a bit of a groove and even break out some moves which can overall help too! (Will get into this later)

Personally, I love music and it always gets me going especially on more down days.

Here is an article of some of my favorite tracks.

Take a Pre-Workout

Pre-workout supplements can give you that much-needed energy boost.

These supplements typically contain caffeine and other ingredients that increase energy levels, improve concentration, and enhance overall workout performance.

Another thing is that when you take the pre-workout, you got to go to the gym. Unless you like to sit around and being jittery, you are going to go to the gym because you took the pre-workout.

My go to pre-workouts are:

Think of How Good You Will Feel Afterwards

Knowing that you finished the workout, especially on a day you didn’t want to do it feels extra good.

Think of that feeling. It’s without a doubt one of the best.

Do Some Quick Exercises

Sometimes, the best way to overcome a lack of motivation is to start moving.

Like mentioned before, sometimes you listen to music and you can start dancing, head banging or doing what ever you want to do that gets you moving.

That movement in general will get you a little pumped and motivated to get going to the gym.

If you are not the dancing type, doing some simple exercises like jumping jacks or push-ups can get your blood flowing and energy up.

These activities can be done at home and might just give you the push you need to head out to the gym.

The Role of Discipline in Overcoming Low Motivation

While motivation is a great starter, discipline is the main course.

Motivation will not always be there and like I mentioned earlier in the article, the times you don’t want to go, you just have to go. Even if motivation is super low.

Building a habit and sticking to a routine, even when you don’t feel like it, is crucial.

Discipline is what keeps you going on those tough days when motivation is low.

You can read more about this here.

Partner Workouts for Accountability

If you find it challenging to stay motivated in general and consistently are missing workouts for this reason, consider finding someone to go to the gym with.

Having someone to go to the gym with can provide a sense of accountability.

It’s harder to skip a workout when you know someone is counting on you to show up.

Make Friends at the Gym

I also find that having friends in the gym will always be a reason to go to the gym at a consistent time every day.

You get to see people you are cool with. These people may be motivating to you and help you keep going.

You Might be an Inspiration for Others

I’m sure you don’t even know it but you might be motivation for people to come in to the gym.

On multiple occasions I’ve had people tell me I’m a motivation to them and it always struck me with surprise.

It also hyped me up hearing that too. 

This doesn’t happen often, but know you might be the reason someone else gets motivated to go to the gym, so keep going.

How Journaling Can Improve Your Mental Health

Journaling is such a small tool that can have a huge impact on improving your mental health.

Mental health, often overshadowed by physical health, plays a crucial role in every aspect of our lives.

It influences how we think, feel, and act, making it essential for our overall well-being.

This blog post explores the transformative power of journaling and how it can lead to a healthier, more mindful life.

How Mental Health Impacts Your Day-to-Day Life

Mental health is not something to take lightly. You may not even know it, but you may be suffering from poor mental health.

Mental health makes up the cornerstone of our daily experiences.

It affects our decision-making process, relationships, productivity at work, and our ability to cope with stress.

Poor mental health can lead to difficulties in managing emotions, and diminished concentration, and can even impact our physical health.

Sometimes, it can be hard to know you are going through some mental struggles. That’s okay and can be one of the reasons why journaling can help. 

What is Journaling?

Journaling, at its core, is the practice of regularly writing down thoughts and feelings.

You may have used to journal when you were a kid or used to see cartoons or shows depicting someone journaling about a crush of some sort.

Journaling is more than that though and is a very useful tool at any age.

It serves as a personal space where one can express emotions, track daily experiences, and reflect on life’s journey.

Unlike other forms of writing, journaling is deeply personal and doesn’t adhere to any structure or rules.

Whether it’s a traditional diary, a digital app, or a bullet journal, the method of journaling can vary, but the essence remains the same – a tool for self-reflection and personal expression.

How Journaling Can Improve Your Mental Health

Journaling offers numerous benefits.

It’s a simple yet effective way to provide clarity and peace of mind.

By regularly writing down your thoughts, you can gain new perspectives on what you’re experiencing. This process of reflection can lead to greater self-awareness, emotional release, and stress reduction.

The Role of Self-Perspective in Journaling

One of the most significant benefits of journaling is the development of self-perspective.

By regularly writing down your thoughts and feelings, you become an observer of your mind.

This practice enables you to identify patterns in your thoughts and behaviors, offering a unique opportunity to understand and change them if necessary.

It’s like having a conversation with yourself, where you can objectively analyze your reactions and decisions, leading to personal growth and increased self-awareness.

Gratitude Through Journaling

Gratitude journaling, a practice where one regularly notes things they are thankful for, can significantly improve mental health.

This form of journaling shifts focus from what’s lacking to what’s abundant in our lives.

Studies have shown that maintaining a gratitude journal can enhance positivity, reduce stress, and even improve sleep quality. It’s a simple practice that reinforces positive thinking and fosters a greater appreciation for life.

For instance, imagine ending each day by writing in your journal.

You might note something as simple as, “Today, I am grateful for the delicious coffee I had this morning, the smooth commute to work, and the productive conversation with a colleague.”

This practice helps in recognizing and appreciating the small joys and victories of everyday life, reinforcing a positive mindset.

For me, this has had a significant impact on my mental health. It’s overall made me happier and appreciate what I have, and the people around me.

Talking/Writing Through Your Emotions

Journaling can be a therapeutic tool, especially when dealing with intense emotions.

Writing about your feelings helps in processing them, providing a safe space to express anger, sadness, joy, or fear without judgment.

This process of ‘talking on paper’ can be incredibly cathartic, helping to release pent-up emotions and reducing the intensity of these feelings over time.

It’s a form of self-therapy that can be particularly beneficial during challenging times.

Understanding Your Feelings Through Journaling

Finally, journaling is an effective way to gain clarity about how you’re feeling.

Often, we go through our days reacting to events without fully understanding our emotional responses.

Journaling helps in dissecting these responses, allowing us to recognize and label our emotions accurately.

This understanding is crucial for emotional regulation and mental well-being, as it empowers us to manage our feelings more effectively.

This alone will have a positive impact on your life and will overall improve your quality of life in general. 

Final Thoughts

Through various journaling techniques, individuals can improve their mental health, gain deeper self-awareness, and enjoy a more fulfilling life.

Whether you’re navigating through tough emotions or simply seeking personal growth, journaling can be a powerful ally on your mental health journey.

As mentioned earlier, you can journal via a physical journal or an application.

I believe a physical journal and writing is best. You can find a journal here.

Another app that I highly recommend is Reflecly.